マーケティング 2.0 カンファレンス in パリ 無事終了しました!

満員御礼!&盛り上げて下さった関係者およびオーディエンスの皆様に心より御礼申し上げます!小規模ながら世界中からアツいマーケッター達が集結していました。終了後しばらくは名刺交換と意見交換で会場運営がストップする勢いでした。せっかくですのでスピーチテキスト全文を公開します( 翻訳:Ken Inoue )。

Presentation of Sekai Camera text:


This is my second time in Paris in this year, and I would like to thank Mr. Nils Andres and his team for inviting us to such an exciting conference.

Today, I would like to introduce to you tonchidot corporation’s plans for “Sekai Camera”, and the possibilities that it holds as a new marketing tool and application.

My presentation will consist of the following 3 parts:

First, we would like to report to you the world preview event of Sekai Camera in Tokyo last month.
Second, plans for our newest “Sekai Camera open beta”.
And third, the marketing and business possibilities of the Sekai Camera platform.

First, we would like to tell you about the world preview of Sekai Camera event in Tokyo. (5 min)

Several months after our presentation at TechCrunch 50 last September, we finally revealed our CLOSED beta version of Sekai Camera at Tokyo’s National Gymnasium. This was at a fashion exhibition called “rooms”, which was an event that lasted for three days starting from February 17th.

The total 400 exhibitors at the event were selected, up-and-coming, young designer brands, and more than 15,000 (fifteen thousand) media, professional buyers, and shop-owners visited the location during the three days.

SHOW: Nippon TV news clip

At this event, we provided “AirTags”, in other words, location-based Tags that “float” in the real world when seen through the camera of an iPhone.

These tags were placed on booth locations of the fashion brands, and provided information about the various makers, designers, and their products.

And in addition to these authorized Tags, we also enabled visitors to post photos and messages freely from their Sekai Camera iPhones, and thus creating a user-generated category of AirTags in and around the various fashion booths.

We provided 20 WiFi access points and 50 iPhone 3G devices, and used Amazon’s EC2 cloud computer to store the location based tags. It was our first-ever challenge at handling heavy and unlimited traffic in real-time, but the field test proved to be very successful.

Several hundred visitors experienced Sekai Camera during the event. And thankfully, over 90% of the 120 (hundred and twenty) respondents to questionnaires said that they would like to use Sekai Camera.

This was a pleasant surprise for us, since our closed beta version included only a small portion of the features planned on our final version.

Next I will talk about Sekai camera’s planned OPEN beta (8 min)

The OPEN beta version of the Sekai Camera currently being developed in Tokyo, will be a MUCH more advanced and exciting one than the preceding closed beta version.

But before I explain about the coming open beta version, please let me do a demo using the OLD closed beta version.

Moreover, please excuse me for using a version which is NOT CONNECTED to GPS, since we could not anticipate GPS situation of this venue.

DEMO: Sekai Camera Closed beta version

I hope you got a feel for how AirTags are easily created, stored, and retrieved. Furthermore, I hope you understand the usefulness of “Authorized Tags”, which can be landmarks, sign posts, advertising, promotions, et cetera.

Now, what new tools will be added to Sekai camera’s open beta version? I will explain:

First, we will provide a type of AirTag that enables sound recording and playing – we call this Tag, "Air Voice". This will enable users to record voice and music and post them on that exact location. Street musicians will be able to leave their musical tags on their favorite street corner, for all users and fans to download on the spot.

Second, is what we call “Air Pocket”. This enables users to store AirTags locally on their iPhones. You can take home photo tags of beautiful scenery on your holiday to Mont Saint-Michelle. Users will be able to collect tags as souvenirs everywhere they go.

And finally, is AirFilter. This will be a tool that will enable users to search and organize the many different AirTags that will populate the world.
If you are in Paris as a tourist, you will want to access tourist information and guides to public transportation.
If you have come to Paris for shopping, it would be useful if catalogues and price comparison could be provided by AirTags. AirFilters will enable users to filter and view information you want.

Lastly, I will explain about the Sekai Camera Platform, and its business applications (5 min).  

We believe Sekai Camera can become a platform for Augmented Reality Tags, and enable businesses to utilize it as an advertising and MARKETING tool.

I would like to explain JUST ONE of the possibilities of Sekai Camera in advertising and marketing.

We will be providing what we call AirKanban, which are AirTags that act as advertising posters in the REAL world. These AirKanbans will be authorized tags overlaid on the real world, and provided by Restaurants, shops, arcades, cinemas and other businesses.

These Authorized tags, will be posted by authorized users such as shop-owners and businesses, through an easy-to-use WEB application that we will provide.

These authorized tags will be sponsored, dependable, and up-to-date information, and will have special features such as multi-media links.
This web application will allow business users to Tag many spots across vast regions systematically and automatically, from a marketing point of view.  

Simply put, Sekai Camera will enable users to get information easily by just gazing at the iPhone screen, WITHOUT typing search-words in your mobile. Moreover, the information is presented in a What you see is what you get – WYSIWYG manner.

In other words, the everyday scenes in the city of Paris become “”CLICKABLE”, as so phrased by Monsieur Joel de Rosnay.

The resulting new experience is what we call “Here and Now Internet”. It is a network experience that enables users to access “Here and Now” information in Real TIME and REAL SPACE. In a clickable world, YOU can become the mouse pointer right where you are.

ENDING: (1min)

I hope that you now understand the many possibilities of our application. It is our dearest wish to release Sekai Camera as soon as possible. But first, we will release our open beta in Japan in the summer. And by winter, we hope to release in France.

In order to achieve this, we would very much like to speak with mobile carriers, advertising agencies, contents providers, and online commerce companies who are interested in our plans.

We will be staying in Paris until April 3rd, so please feel free to contact me. Thank you very much, and au revoir!

SHOW info@tonchidot.com on SCREEN

Panel discussion and Q&A:


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