Tonchidot takes the stage at ARE2010, talks about their future..

ARE2010, the first worldwide commercial event to focus on AR, took place this past June 2nd and 3rd in Santa Clara, USA.
Our CEO Takahito Iguchi joined a number of prominent figures in the industry, including Sci-Fi author Bruce Sterling, and SimCity creator Will Wright, to give his vision on AR.

Here are some of Iguchi’s announcements.

Release of the Android Version of Sekai Camera in the US.

As of June 3, we are now on the Android platform in the US, ahead of our international Android launch. This is in addition to our mega hit iPhone version, which has exceeded 1 million downloads, and our newest version for the iPad. We will also be introducing a web based version soon in order to be on as many devices as we can.

New approach integrating Social, Location and AR

Our development platform together with a distribution and billing ecosystem is in the works and will be introduced soon to add a multitude of possibilities for game developers.

We’ve received tons of positive responses from not only the AR industry, but also from games developers and had loads of excitement discussing the possibilities of potential business.

As a pioneer of the AR industry, Tonchidot will continue to deliver innovative AR service concepts through our app, Sekai Camera.